Being the light

 The hygiene/water group went to a new place today. We set up in a community center in a town called Kilometer30.  We were able to supply 30 more families with water filters! 4 children were with us. They heard the story of Jesus walking on water and loved the puppets telling them about healthy food and brushing teeth.

The house building crew made good progress. Insulation was put in, doors and windows were installed and the roof is started! They had some visitors today. Some puppies and the family that will be living in the house. The family picked the paint color for the outside. The kids are very excited.

We are all feeling very blessed to be a blessing. Our team had an encouraging devotion after a delicious dinner and we are ready to go again tomorrow.


  1. Brings back wonderful memories! So glad everyone is there safe and sound. Looking forward to hearing the stories and seeing photos. It has been rather cold here, but no snow. Safe journeys back home on Sunday and BLESSINGS for everyone.


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