What a beautiful day God gave us for our first day as a team to work. The construction team went to Anapra, Mexico. They started with a cement slab and ended the day with 4 walls. Our foreman Scott, was impressed with the Michigan muscle. They pulled out a great day. They got to meet the woman and 2 children who will be living in the house. The other half of our team met at a church in Juarez, Mexico. We had 7 children who learned about Jesus walking on water and some ways to be healthy like brushing your teeth, eating a variety of healthy foods and washing your hands. The adults heard the story of the Woman at the well. They all came today to learn how to make their families healthier especially by getting a water filter bucket, but they also learned that we have living water through Jesus. What a blessing all of our translators were so that we could communicate with all of these wonderful people. The boarder crossing went smoothly and the view of the mountains was breathtaking.